Learn Agile Methods for all kinds of projects

Welcome to this series of posts that will explain the use of agile method for all types of projects.

The agile method will reboot your organization. Its distinctive features (scrum, kanban, scrumban, etc) led to Silicon Valley startup successes. It has been adopted by many organizations around the world.

Agile method provides a clear idea of what your team is actually doing. It also helps to:

  • Estimate the work to be done in a realistic and measurable way.
  • Empower your team and keep them motivated
  • Allow you to value the opinion of those who do the work
  • Define the needs better so that things can be done in a more efficient manner.
  • Make your decision-making more flexible, adaptable to uncertainty, and finally, more human.

But with all the benefits of agile method, it’s worth mentioning that switching to agile project management is not that easy. It requires you to learn this method in-depth and how to put it in practice in your projects. You may also need to hire a specialized agile coach or teach some of your team members to do the job.

We came up with this series of tutorials to help you jumpstart your agile project management setup.

Though we took the general approach to cover most types of projects, we sometimes provide examples from the architecture industry. Most examples and tutorials you will find online are those centering on software development since the agile method started out in this field. However, agile can be used in many other types of projects or verticals, including but not limited to sales and marketing, engineering, architecture, and communications. We believe we should break the barriers and expand the agile method to reach to other industries.

We will focus on scrum agile method as it is by far the most popular. However, we will also explain the other alternatives so you can choose which works for you and maybe even combine some of the best parts of each of these agile methods to make your own!

Let's dive into the nuts and bolts of building an efficient agile for your organization and your projects.